Last Updated: Feb 17, 2025, 09:51 AM

Tutoring is available to all SIU students. The Tutoring Center provides tutoring primarily for 100 and 200-level Core Curriculum courses and select upper-level courses.
Typical Courses Offered for Tutoring
- MATH: 101, 106, 108, 109, 111, 139, 150, 151, 221, 250, 282
- BIOL: 115, 118, 200, 211, 212, 213, 304, 305, 307
- CHEM: 106, 140A, 140B, 173, 200, 201, 202, 205H, 210, 211, 205, 215, 215H, 340, 341, 350, 442
- AH: 105, 241
- ANS: 121, 122, 215
- ANTH: 231, 240A, 240B, 204, 310A, 310I, 340E, 410H, 410N, 424, 455H, 480
- ASL: 120A, 120B, 220A, 220B, 491
- BUS: 101
- CCJ: 101, 201, 203, 290, 303, 310, 316
- CMST: 101, 301I
- DH: 219, 226
- ECON: 240, 241
- EDUC: 211, 214
- ENGL: 101, 102, 119,
- FIN: 200
- FL: 200B
- FOR: 201, 202, 285, 315, 352
- GEOG: 103
- GEOL: 128, 129, 221, 224
- GER: 100A/B, 200A/B, 201 A/B, 320A/B, 481
- HCM: 310
- HIST: 101A, 207, 301
- HND: 101
- LING: 200
- MGMT: 202
- MICRO: 301
- MSFS: 101, 108, 240, 245, 256, 257, 275, 325A/B, 340, 345B, 355
- MUS: 103, 106, 203
- PARL: 105
- PHIL: 104
- PHYS: 101, 103, 203A, 203B
- PHSL: 301, 310
- PLB: 115, 200
- PSYC: 102
- REHB: 461
- SOC: 108
- SPAN: 201A
- SPED: 300
- UHON: 111, 351U, 351S2
- UNIV: 101
- ZOOL: 115, 118, 215, 478
More courses will be added as we hire more tutors.
Other Campus Tutoring
- Math: Course Help
- Physics: Help Desk
- Writing Center: Write Website
Request a Tutor
Please review our offered courses and then click the button below for an individual appointment.
Tutoring and Academic Coaching appointments will take place in Morris Library, Room 710. If you would like to request a virtual appointment, please do so in the comment section of the request form or email tutoring@siu.edu after submitting your request online.
What services are provided by Tutoring Center?
The list includes but is not limited to Tutoring, Academic Coaching, Group Study Sessions, Drop-In Tutoring and Academic Coaching, Study Jams, Academic Workshops, and referrals to Campus Resources.
Are the services free of charge?
All Tutoring, All Academic Coaching, Group Study Sessions, and Academic Workshops are free of charge.
How do students request a Tutor?
Students can complete a request in person at the Tutoring Center in Morris Library, 7TH floor or on-line. All tutoring sessions are held in Morris Library 7th floor Room 710 (Tutoring Center).
Who will be my Tutor?
Tutors are undergraduate students. These students have received an “A” or “B” in the course they wish to Tutor. Tutors are trained, evaluated, and observed throughout the semester.
How long does it take for a student to get connected to a Tutor?
Students are connected within 48 hours.
Am I guaranteed a Tutor?
We cannot guarantee all students requesting assistance will be connected to a Tutor. Connection depends on availability of the Tutor, schedule compatibility between the student and Tutor, and the course requested.
Is individual or group Tutoring provided?
Typically, students are connected for 1-1 Tutoring. Group Tutoring occurs occasionally and during Drop-In Tutoring.
Can students request a particular Tutor?
Students can request a particular Tutor, but the ability to connect them successfully may be a challenge. The current number of students, availability, and course requested may impact the connection. Students can contact the Tutor directly but they will still need to fill out a Tutor request form.
Is there online Tutoring?
Yes, we offer online tutoring for 100 and 200 levels as well as select 300 upper courses through Microsoft Teams upon request.
Is Tutoring available during the summer?
Yes, tutoring is offered during the summer.
What course(s) are available for Tutoring?
Select 100 and 200-level course(s) and select upper 300-level course(s). Unfortunately, we cannot provide assistance in every course offered at Southern Illinois University. For a list of available courses, go to: Tutoring
Is there Tutoring for graduate-level courses?
The Tutoring Center does not offer tutoring for graduate-level courses.
How do students prepare for the Tutoring session?
Students should read the material prior to the tutoring session, bring questions, textbook, class notes, paper, pen or pencil. The student should bring a course syllabus so that they know what material is being covered and scheduled exams.
How long are the Tutoring sessions?
Tutoring Sessions are scheduled for one time per week for one hour.
How many hours of Tutoring can a student receive per course?
Students can receive up to 2 hours per week per course. Additional hours must be approved by Graduate Assistant and/or Director of the Tutoring Center.
What if a student has a learning disability, are they offered the same Tutoring opportunities?
Yes, the Tutoring Center works closely with the Office for Access and Accommodations, (formerly known as Disability Support Services or DSS) to aid with student with learning disabilities.
When a student is unable to keep a scheduled appointment, what should they do?
Contact Tutor directly or contact the Tutoring Center, 618-453-3387 or email tutoring@siu.edu at least 24 hours in advance.
When a student misses an appointment, what should they do?
Work with the Tutor to reschedule for a different time and day during the same week or meet with the Tutor the following week. If unable to reschedule, contact Tutoring Center, 618-453-3387 or e-mail tutoring@siu.edu.
When a student no longer needs Tutoring, what should they do?
Contact the Tutoring Center, 618-453-3387 or e-mail tutoring@siu.edu. The Tutor will be notified by a staff member, Graduate Assistant and/or Team Leader.
How can I become a Tutor?
For more information about the duties, qualifications, and how to apply, go to Tutor Positions.