The Tutoring Center is currently hiring Tutors/Academic Coaches.
We tutor/academic coach applicants are required to be SIU students and have a 3.0 GPA or above. We accept work-study-eligible students.
Some of the benefits that students gain through our tutoring/academic coaching program include:
Paid Position
Tutors/Academic Coaches work up to 20 hours a week
Tutors/Academic Coaches identify times and days they are available; flexible schedule
Tutors/Academic Coaches indicate the courses they are willing to work on and assist with
Must have taken the course 5 or less years ago
We provide training throughout each semester (3-4 trainings)
Resume Builder, Volunteer Opportunities, and Leadership Opportunities
Working with students in the Tutoring Center, Morris Library, Room 710
We provide assistance Monday through Thursday, 10-7pm, and Friday, 10-4 pm
Tutors/Academic Coaches do not work through the weekend
If you are energetic, passionate about a particular subject or want to share study strategies and tips, please apply to become a tutor or academic coach, by emailing Send your unofficial transcript, all courses you would like to tutor, and a short cover letter or resume.
You can also write to, sending an unofficial transcript, all courses you would like to tutor, and a short cover letter or resume.